Friday, April 2, 2010

Pomp and Circumstance

The highlight of the opportunity to observe the birds around the area of southwest Florida this past week was plain and simply a mouthful of insects.

The Boat-tailed Grackle above was photographed near Cape Coral Library in April 2010.

The Burrowing Owls I've been observing are seemingly tolerant of all action around them.

A shot of the owl with an insect again was a failed effort with a 50/50 chance of focusing on the right bird and I lost.

The advertisement above was photographed near Cape Coral Library in April 2010.

The observation of Cape Coral mating owl events this past month have been extraordinary.

On a visit to the area around the library before today, I was very surprised to see what I thought was a residential neighbor making pitch shots at a Burrowing Owl nest.

The Burrowing Owl above was photographed at Cape Coral Library in April 2010.

The golf ball found was evidently too far away for that concern though he is certainly a decent golfer.

Mating of the owls continues to be a highlight of my observations, though I haven't been able to capture the event as well as I think it could be.

The Burrowing Owl above was photographed at Cape Coral Library in April 2010.

The cold weather this past winter has apparently allowed for the birds to be active in this regard this year so late in the season.

I'm beginning to see what I believe are signs that there are fledglings on the way.

The neighbors of the owls above were photographed at Cape Coral Library in April 2010.

These include a more protective and absence of activity at certain burrows.

It was my great fortune to meet Le from Vietnam pictured at right who told me of the owls I would photograph at her recommendation (two, not three).

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