The lion's share of images I am referring to were captured at Six Mile Cypress Lake that were meant to be a final chapter many weeks ago. Those images will have to wait at least another week. I have the opportunity to continue forward with the new or move backward. My intent is to move forward with a reference to the past not yet too distant.

I am excited to present to you observations made of Eurasian Wigeon on 21 March 2013 that was first brought to my attention by Vince McGrath (see a way to contact Vince in the sidebar of the blog). Tom Obrock was on the scene shortly thereafter, well before Dr. Jose had arrived for his observation, notifying me of the wigeon's continued presence. Tom advised me that he supposed I could enter the water after my inquiry of doing so.

That had me confident that there was not an alligator around to contend with. Upon arrival to Del Prado Linear Park where Vince had seen the wigeon much earlier in the day, Dr. Jose Padilla was walking around the pond as I got my first glimpse of the bird. With the windows of the car down to hopefully hear the wigeon call as Vince noted the wigeon very vocal during his observation, there was silence.

I would be challenged to describe the excitement in observing a life bird for the first time, not to mention an uncommon one, if you are not an enthusiast. The wigeon stood out distinctly different from all other birds I had previously seen, even from its great distance. Not having driven on this road off of Del Prado Boulevard before, I drove into the neighborhood to turn around and park behind Jose's car.

Mere minutes after my initial observation of the wigeon, Jose had told me that he flushed the bird and advised me of the direction it had gone. Not too long after Dr. Jose left, the Eurasian Wigeon was observed again. This time the bird was seen in flight as it made its way across the sky with several Mottled Duck. The birds made a few passes around the pond and landed in it as gracefully as can be expected.

After settling down to my preferred stationary position a kid approached on a bicycle. Since I was hogging up his sidewalk path, I let him know that I was observing a rare bird. He asked me if it was the one with the blue bill. Surprised by his observation skills, I told him yes. He advised me that there were two additional birds with blue bills like it that he had seen at Del Prado Linear Park in the previous few months which he noted he had told his parents about.

I made the mistake you should not by initially failing to ensure proper camera settings for the conditions. The unnecessarily closed aperture setting used for the first wigeon flight shots was what was previously used favorably at the beach. I also had the camera set at 250 ISO which caused most of the shots of the wigeon to be unacceptable as the shutter speed was too slow causing a blur as I attempted to follow the quickly moving bird.

Also personally seen was contention between a Mallard Duck hybrid and two of the Mottled Duck. The larger Mallard had the upper hand when the Mottled Duck got too close to his female Pekin Duck. It was my great fortune to observe the Eurasian Wigeon for a couple of hours before deciding to catch up with Canadian visitors Frank Constantin and Stéphane Denis at Six Mile Cypress Lake.

Additional images presented in this article were taken at Six Mile Cypress Lake on the day I observed the wigeon. It was unusually quiet at Six Mile which I fear may have disappointed Frank and Stéphane. Frank did advise me that he saw Black-necked Stilt at the Lake upon his arrival, however. I have yet to see the stilt this season. The waders that make a flight west over the Lake near sunset were seen in significantly fewer numbers than typically observed in the winter months.

I revisited the Del Prado Linear Park pond on 25 March, but failed to see the wigeon again. Since my initial observation of the wigeon, the species has been reported intermittently by others at Del Prado Linear Park and at Pelican Island National Wildlife Refuge north of Vero Beach. A rare bird indeed.

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