This past week was disappointing in accomplishing the latter as I got duped by a really poor weather forecast I heard before a day off from work that was ultimately a really great day with bright light in the morning hours.
As a result, I missed the opportunity to further clog my computer's hard drive which is now at 95% capacity with tens of thousands of wildlife photos.

I slept in that morning after burning the midnight oil while taking the time to look at images of mine taken many months ago and beyond, while also viewing those taken by others, and trying to keep this blog as consistent as I'd like it to be with images and links that I believe are appropriate for the subject of the post with hopes of making what you see here more interesting and resourceful.
In the past week as well, I've tried to upload shots to my pbase galleries that particularly highlight venues visited and species observed.

I've noted that I need to experience the observation of about 375 more bird species that can be expected to be seen in Florida somewhere at a particular time, and must visit an even greater number of venues along the Great Florida Birding Trail to fulfill my goal in seeing them all.
With the end of summer near, and bird migration approaching a crescendo, I hope to have the kayak in the water again.

During unpredictable weather, it's not a good time to have a boat in the water of any size smaller than a ship in this area. You might make a headline and very brief news.
With a few launches of my RTM Mambo kayak this past year, I was able to see some extraordinary wildlife action that was a result of a trip to a hot spot between Bunche Beach Preserve and Bowditch Point Preserve in Fort Myers with Alena King.

I recall her questioning why there appeared to be no scientific study of the site. I didn't know the answer, but in reflection can say we made it ourselves.
It's my hope that exploration of the 10,000 islands below the southern peninsula of Florida can be made with some spare time before the year comes to a close.

A launching point for the islands will be the Rookery Bay Reserve adjacent to Tigertail Beach in southwest Florida.
My solution to the over clogged computer is transferring photos to external hard drives. This is a novel approach to me to otherwise allow the computer to fail.

I don't have much time to understand this solution.
A lesson learned since my last contribution here is that if you choose to blog, make your final edits to the text before you post, or your original effort is cached.

Your first effort is potentially your final version.
There certainly won't be enough time available to make all the journeys I would like to for wildlife action here in prime time, but with luck, I'll be at the right place at the right time as will you.
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